Stooping to New Lows Daily
Do we have to report every single thing that happens at the White House?
Do we have to report every single thing that happens at the White House?
Radio is the go-to for Accurate News. So says a new survey by the marketing company NuVoodoo.
I worked for a couple of harassers and I was Triggered by the events of late.
Women can multitask with one hand and run the world. DUH
How Soon is Too Soon to tell a news story that's in the middle of breaking? Should you be conservative or break your butt to beat the competition?
Should I freak out because my work is stressful at times, or be grateful I get to do something that gratifies and fulfills me...
It's getting Hard to Breathe. The news is coming at us with "Fire and Fury", you can't look away.
Fear is a Liar. Support is key. Do Something Everyday that Scares you.
I always wanted to be a small town girl, but I always had big town ambitions.
Social Media, like twitter, sticky for applicants. I saw some hateful tweets from a recent applicant so I deleted their email. I knew my clients would be appalled. I was.