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The Beauty of Streaming

The Beauty of Streaming

Oh winter! The joy of freezing your bottom off AND getting sick, really, really, sick. There are so many things…
You've Gotta Be Special

You've Gotta Be Special

When I started to work outside corporate America, it was because I was a new mommy and wanted to be…


As a company grows, they need to continually look for stellar talent. And as larger companies consolidate to save money,…
Are ya Sure?

Are ya Sure?

We can't be sure anymore that what we read about catastrophes is true.
The News Must Go On

The News Must Go On

I’m starting to peek back into national news after keeping one eye open most of last month. Let’s blame the…
You Trying to Get Out... or?

You Trying to Get Out... or?

It’s not a new reference. In fact, I’ve heard this from many people working in radio, when you try to…
What Are We Even Doing?

What Are We Even Doing?

Have you ever seen that meme that shows two pictures of the thought process of how you arrive at success?…
Best Bet - Deer in the Headlights

Best Bet - Deer in the Headlights

I believe it’s best to stay away from political (and religious, for that matter) discussions during otherwise happier times. So…
This is Fine

This is Fine

After the election and the ensuing flurry of opinion vs. fact foisted upon us, it became too easy to worry…
Remember Reagan?

Remember Reagan?

Long before Ronald Reagan became the 40th President of the United States, the Fairness Doctrine was put into effect and…
Should I be Flattered?

Should I be Flattered?

I gotta spill the tea. And let’s be real ya all, I’m trying to distract us/me from this particularly awful…
Where to Next Radio Brethren?

Where to Next Radio Brethren?

Anyone working in our business long enough knows, sometimes you have to move for the gig. And back in the…
Hard Conversations are <i>SO...</i> Hard

Hard Conversations are SO... Hard

Some people cannot handle serious discussions, especially around money.
What is an Influencer Really?

What is an Influencer Really?

Someone who can make a bunch of money endorsing a product, if they are willing to sell their soul.  The…
I've Said it Once and...

I've Said it Once and...

… I’ll say it again, local news is critical. Story after story and report after report on the topic say,…
Ever Tried to Corral a Goat?

Ever Tried to Corral a Goat?

It’s like herding cats, only different. A dear friend in the business was telling me years ago about trying to…
It's Not Just for Old Timers

It's Not Just for Old Timers

My first job in radio was as an intern at KGIL-AM in Los Angeles. I really wanted to work at…
Do We Make Lemonade?

Do We Make Lemonade?

When life gives you lemons, do you really make lemonade? Meh, I take a moment to pull in my posse. Hey…
Local News is NOT Dead

Local News is NOT Dead

The corporate capitalists always seem to want more money and to pay the talent less. This is hardly news. So…
Team Sport

Team Sport

I have spent 17 years (and change) managing people. I have been an abysmal failure at times, but now I…

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