What’s Your Favorite Technology?
I could do without my cell phone, but not the Internet. I love my smart phone, but it's a distraction.
I could do without my cell phone, but not the Internet. I love my smart phone, but it's a distraction.
The #Fakenews Revolution is hardly over. Similar to #slutshaming or victimization and like the old Question Authority bumper sticker. It's here and will linger.
Just like talent agents and lawyers, news people don't always get the love. So #nationalhuganewspersonday
Are you that person who loves their job?
Graphics often take over stories. When there's a major story and the graphics take over, Weather is NOT the Story.
We Cannot Live in a World of #Fake News
Remembering the Good Ol' Days. Hearkening back to not being so connected 24/7.
What's your time suck? Where do you spend countless hours wasting time?
I spend way too much time on Facebook and it sucks too much time out of my day. I don't spend that much time or feel the need to on Twitter.