Waste My Time
My printer is wireless and wouldn't work with the new router. Something I thought would take all of 2 seconds to look for the new wireless router took 5 hours. Why?
My printer is wireless and wouldn't work with the new router. Something I thought would take all of 2 seconds to look for the new wireless router took 5 hours. Why?
After you work in news a while, you become numb to reality. Last week while sitting in my home office writing news, my son ran upstairs to tell me there…
It's Africa hot for June in Montana. I'm starting to become concerned about my sanity writing news while dealing with the climate in my office. (It's supposed to get to…
It's ridiculously hard to find a decent salesperson. You know the one? The one with the rhythm. The one you can count on. The one who makes the calls. The…
Do you know a micro-manager? Or, ee-gads, have you worked for one? I have, so I do my best to leave my people alone. This has not always served me…