Love Always
I write a lot about how I search for reliable talent. Last month I was on the hunt and was lucky enough to find some solid choices.
I write a lot about how I search for reliable talent. Last month I was on the hunt and was lucky enough to find some solid choices.
I posted an ad recently, one in a long line of many over the years. Thankfully we're growing fast! But, each time I post an ad, I have to try hard to make it super nice. But sometimes I want to get straight to the point, but no! I might hurt someone's feelings. Why is everyone so P.C. anyway nowadays? What happened to tell it like it is? Will I have to tiptoe around your feelings when you miss a deadline, mispronounce something or forget how to spell. Lordy, I hope not!
It's all about the Benjamins! It's about the money, you should run local news to get sponsors. Bottom Line!
I've met some interesting characters for sure over the years. One time I got a call from a guy in my state, who was at the gynecologists office with his girlfriend! Seriously, this guy calls me from the gyno office? Years later we had an email exchange. What I wanted to say? "Oh ya, the one who called me from the gyno office and never started a 24/7 news station"?
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - If you apply for a fill in job, then follow thru when called upon.
I've had some very interesting phone calls with people. Many end the same way, can't get the right person on the phone, or I do. Then it's the sales part of the call. Some say, meh, not interested, or ya, send me a demo. But what do you do when they ask you, wait for it... to SNAILMAIL it? They actually say, can you mail it? Wait... what? What is this Snailmail you speak of? Then it's barked at me, "I don't do email"! MMMMMMMMMMkay, that's cool. Don't you wonder if I Snailmailed it?
Another school shooting and what do the networks do? They rush to figure out, who's the shooter? Why did he do it, what's his religion, skin color, family status, etc. Then they plaster his face EVERY WHERE YOU LOOK. The pundits come out of the woodwork, this one with a psych degree, this guy who used to be a professor of English (one was killed last week), and someone who's pro-gun rights, etc. What does any of that matter in the scheme of things. Time fill.
Within about 2 weeks of things really rolling I found out I was being cyber-stalked. Turns out there was a solo anchor, excuse me, "Senior Anchor" (Sr. for simplicity), already in place. (And I am not one for titles, the name of my last company was "Whatever", it really was!) Plus, I thought, I can have personal views that don't spill into my work on social media, and the Group PD seemed to agree. But when I say it never stopped… for 18 months, IT.NEVER.STOPPED. From that first day after I found out Sr. was Googling me, peeling down my Facebook and lurking at LinkedIn too. If I looked at the same (to try to understand this fascination), they reported ME as stalking them. What in the actual ….?