Do you ever think to yourself, dang I should have ended that relationship a lot sooner? Or, I knew that was going to go that way? Or, I had a feeling that person was just not going to work out. #intuition
Listening to our gut has become something I pride myself on, but sometimes I just don’t get it right. And that’s okay. Call it laziness, desperation to make things work, or being out of touch with my core self.
Sometimes I have to depend on the kindness of strangers. That puts us humans in a precarious position. Can you trust someone you met over the phone, on Zoom or through another friend?
You know the saying, “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”. I once interviewed a person who couldn’t stop talking over me. He had a good resume, but as we spoke, I felt uneasy. I finally said, “can you PLEASE stop interrupting me?” They vanished from my screen. I emailed and said, “I lost you” and they said “I wouldn’t want to talk over you, so how about if we never talk again?” Wow!
Sometimes the gut feeling is the opposite, where I just know someone is going to be great, and, thankfully they are! It’s always such a bummer, when I’m wrong, because I can save them, and me, some real heartache, ya know? But how else are we going to learn anything in this life?