You’ve Gotta Be Special

You’ve Gotta Be Special

When I started to work outside corporate America, it was because I was a new mommy and wanted to be home with my little daughter. I had been a radio journalist and traveled to tiny town America to do so, and I had worked temp jobs as an Administrative Assistant, transcriptionist or whatever was necessary to help support my family.

Since I had worked in radio, I got a temp job working for an agent, and not to bore you with too many details, I ended up starting my own talent agency a year later.  My mother was an entrepreneur, so it was in my bones.

I was an agent for nearly a decade before getting back to radio and I was pretty successful for a newbie. The key was, not taking no too seriously. The reason I bring this up is because, when you’re in sales, which is what agenting is all about (and negotiation), I had to learn to let the no’s roll off my back. Right there, that is key.

We don’t seem to attract great salespeople in radio anymore. I believe it’s because the draw is too low in most markets and they give up too soon, not realizing there could be pretty decent money in it, if they learn the no’s are never personal.

When I make my marketing calls, and accept them, I treat everyone the same, whether they work with my company or not. It’s like consistently staying in the flow state. I mean not everyone can afford everything they want, ya know? I’d love a Range Rover, but the gas is ridiculous!

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