I’m Just Not That into You

I’m Just Not That into You

What is the appropriate response to a potential employer or hiring committee when they are just not that into you?

As my company grows, I have had the privilege of needing to hire more people. I try to respond to every potential hire. Sometimes there’s not enough time, so I do send a quick note with an attachment about how our company operates to gauge interest. If they respond, then, away we go for a potential Zoom interview and meetup.

Since a major component of my company is talent management, it behooves me to really read a potential reporter’s resume, not just skim it; spend time with their demo(s); not just a quick 2 second voice listen; and be in touch when appropriate.

Sure, there have been a few who passed all the way through, but were not a perfect fit, but over the years we have learned who fits the team, and our client needs, and who doesn’t. Since it’s been nearly two decades, I know quickly when someone won’t work. I have doubted myself and hired folks that I know wouldn’t work out in the past, but hey, it’s a practice, not a perfect.

For the first time this week an applicant invoked Jesus’ name after I told him that his demo and qualifications did not match what we typically look for. But it wasn’t just that he used the Lord’s name, but that he continued pressuring me to “just hire him”. Like harassing me in that way is an attractant.

If someone turns you down for work, what is the appropriate way to respond (or not)? Maybe, “thank you for your reply, would you mind sharing with me how you came to this decision”? Or “can you give me some constructive feedback?”.

During this time, I received 16 LinkedIn messages from the same man, invoking Jesus’ name, and had no choice but to block and report him. I hate doing that, but he wouldn’t leave me alone!

A week before that, someone contacted me and sent 10 messages, with random names and phone numbers (presumably their references?), calling me names when I asked what all the emails were about, then apologizing. When I responded back, this person continued their name calling. Just astounding.

The complete opposite happened where another person applied, during this same window of time. I told them the same thing, they didn’t match our qualification needs and they responded kindly, saying that “radio was their passion” and that they hoped to be in touch again in the future. And I look forward to hearing from them, because that folks, is how it’s done.

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