remote news service



Content Creating, Coaching, Policing
Radio Service
It started as a podcast, then after successfully cold calling random radio stations, state by state, we began delivering news and traffic for micro to major market stations all across the country.
You choose your own anchor, and they become your point of contact. Our news is completely customized, sourced and unbiased. We deliver custom content to your station at the exact time you need it.


Hugo Coffee Roasters
Coffee Roaster in Park City, Utah. Proceeds benefit dog rescues across US.

LMS Design
Interior Design firm in the Hamptons of New York, dedicated to serving the East End economy.

Podcasting Service
We’ve been podcasting since 2005 before it was even a “thing”. It’s simple to learn, and a great way to promote your business and communicate to the masses. We’re all looking for innovative ways to reach our friends and audience. And it’s a fun medium to engage your customers.
It’s the perfect time to learn the technology because podcasting is at its peak of listenership and engagement. Let Remote News Service show you how to conduct interviews, what sort of equipment to use and how to produce your very own podcast! Check out some samples:

Nutrish Mish
Sanctuary of information for all things Nutrition, multiple locations on Long Island, New York.

Content Creating, Coaching, Policing Service
Have an AM station that’s just not getting any listeners? Do you have a News Talk station that’s sort of stale and could be a lot more stimulating? What about your music or talk stations that don’t quite muster the sales? Have you ever thought about a hybrid format? Coaching talent? Learning to write better?
Are you trying to save money and using #artificialintelligence. The word “artificial” is there for a reason. Let our team of broadcast consultants help you write and police what goes on your air. We are on the air ourselves, and on the streets today. We’re not broadcast sales people, we’re content creators ourselves. We know how to do digital right. We are experts at custom branding/imaging, and formats that sell.

Blogging, Writing, Social Media Service
You’re a newbie out of college and need help polishing your conversational writing style, or you’re an on air personality who’d like to pivot into news or get help polishing your social media presence.
Or maybe you’re a salesperson who has to be a “utility” person too and write copy, but you don’t know where to begin. Don’t count on #artificialintelligence because… it’s artificial, and… you are intelligent!
Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to start your own blog, but don’t know where to do it, how to get motivated or what your why is? It’s okay if you’re afraid to put yourself out there. We offer writing services and lessons from a team of highly trained journalists and creative writers and content creators.
News writing is an essential business and blogging and journaling are wildly popular right now. So, there’s never been a better time to begin. Contact us to learn more!